All over Vietnam, some Vietnamese ingredients, preparations or cooking methods are universal while others you will find are exclusively regional or local. There is a belief that Hue food is different because of the synthesis of preparations cooked by extremely poor peasants and the sumptuous lavishness of the Imperial Court. Dong Tam Cafe, Hue is one of the restaurants in this city, which has been attracting tourists not by decoration but by taste of foods.
Dong Tam Cafe is a vegetarian restaurant. This café is situated on Le Loi Street. The address of this café is 48/7, Le Loi Street, Hue.
If you don't want to get confused by a wide range of menu and to have a short menu from which you can pick up your choice of food, just step in at this café. This vegetarian restaurant is run by a Buddhist family. After getting into this café you will be offered a short menu. Along with other dishes the menu includes vegetarian banh khoai. These good-value combination dishes are the prime attraction of this restaurant.
The opening hour of the café is 10am - 08pm. Every time, it is more or less packed; but if you visit during your lunch time, you will get the freshest food and you can sit in the garden courtyard.